RecurPost is a single-track tool allowing you to effortlessly share evergreen content on social media. We talk to its founder Dinesh Agarwal about his background in building startups, finding product/market fit with Recurpost and where he hopes to take the service next.
Hi Dinesh. How would you describe RecurPost?
RecurPost is a social media management tool for professionals and small businesses who understand the basics of Social Media. Our ideal users neither have the resources to hire someone to manage their social accounts nor have the time to do it themselves.
Who is the RecurPost team? Do you have a maker or marketing background?
We are a small team with 5 developers, one designer and 2 customer support persons. We do not have a marketing background, but we know social media very well. We have grown to over 20,000 users simply by using social media.
What’s the backstory - does it fix a problem you were facing?
My original business was to build startups – think outsourcing but we did it for equity in the final product rather than money.
Most of those companies needed to get their names out so we created some internal small tools to help with that.
Those internal tools were so powerful that we saw an opportunity to creates something big there. This is how we came up with the idea of RecurPost.
RecurPost helps you to be effortlessly present on social media.
We are exposed to 10,000 brand messages daily. How does RecurPost help to be seen?
This is exactly where RecurPost comes to rescue. You no longer share your message once and be done with it. We recycle that message to grab you a new set of eyeballs without any more time investment from you.
Some people might argue that social content needs to be fresh not recycled. What’s your comeback to this?
Did you know that a Tweet has a half life of 21 minutes and reducing? In other words, you have 21 minutes long window to make a mark with your Tweet.
Do we turn our TV off when they show an old episode of our favorite TV show? Have you never laughed at a stand-up comedy video twice?
Those who were not up during those 21 minutes will most likely miss it as there are thousands of Tweets being pushed every fraction of a second.
RecurPost gives you the opportunity to create multiple 21 minute windows for your content. It will be seen by an entirely new audience and hence to them it is still fresh content.
Furthermore, if you wrote an evergreen blog it simply does not stop being useful after a few days.
"50% of the people who will ever see your Tweet will see it within 21 minutes of posting it."
Dinesh Agarwal
I was amazed how easy it was to schedule content. Does it take a lot of discipline to keep your features so lean?
Funny you should mention that. We actually created another tool in the beginning that had a lot of features. That tool did not work. People simply got overwhelmed and that tool got rejected by market. We learnt our lesson the hard way and thus we now make sure we do not overwhelm users.
Why should somebody upgrade to a paid subscription?
A paid subscription unlocks a lot of creative ways to curate content
Those who do not know what is an RSS Feed, it is a way to get every published article automatically into your own list. From your feed we will pull that article in a queue where you can approve it or reject it. Once approved it goes into your library and consequently on your social platforms.
With our content importer plugin, you can import your old posts from your social accounts. This way you need not write everything from scratch.
Videos help you get a lot better reach. Our paid plans offer you to post videos natively. With the free plan, you can still share links to youtube videos but with paid plans you can upload them natively.
What are your future aspirations for RecurPost?
Our goal is to become a tool that helps our users make more money from their audience on social platforms within 3 months of setup.
It requires creating a great brand for our users, helping them interact with their audience and share their message with the audience when they are most likely to react.
We have moderate success with our setup so far, but we know we can do better and are working towards it.
"Our goal is to become a tool that helps our users make more money from their audience on social platforms within 3 months of setup."
Dinesh Agarwal
Do you have any advice for people wanting to build their own marketing tool?
Marketing tools will always be there. If you have faced a problem while marketing your own product or service, you are a good customer for your product. If you are building something because everyone is building it, you may not have that edge on your competition.